1cc Blog


Oct 2023

EPR for Textiles in France: 1cc Offers a New Compliance Service

On 23 , Oct 2023 | In | By Fjollë Kabashi

Textiles have also become subject to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in France since last year, 2022. The legal framework for this sector was created by the so-called "Loi AGEC" (Circular Economy Act) of 10 February 2020.

Our new compliance service helps support you in meeting your EPR obligations for textiles in France.

If you answer is "yes" to the following two questions, then your company is most likely affected by the new EPR obligations for textiles:

Do you have the following products in your product portfolio?

  • Clothing:tops (t-shirt, shirts, pullovers/jumpers), bottom wear (skirts, trousers), intimate wear (pajamas, swimwear, underwear), outdoor (jackets, coats), work clothing, etc.
  • Footwear sector: Open-toed shoes, closed shoes, sneakers/trainers, indoor footwear.
  • Household linen: bath linen, bed linen, table linen, and fabric sold by meter.



do any of the following manufacturer definitions apply to you?


  • You are an industrial company or manufacturer selling items produced in France or internationally under your brand.
  • You are an importer (wholesaler or retailer) selling national and international brands.
  • You are a distributor directly importing products under its brand (multi-brand distribution) or working with a license.

We can help support you in the following services:

  • Register your products,
  • Reporting the product data in the required frequency per topic,
  • Obtaining the Unique Identifier (UIN) which has to be indicated in the General Terms & Conditions of Sale and in all other contractual documents to certify your compliance.

Why should you choose 1cc GmbH as a service provider?

  • Because we work closely with compliance organizations in France, and
  • We have decades of experience in different EPR topics and compliance issues in various countries.

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