1cc Blog


Dec 2021

Are your products ready to enter the European market?

On 13 , Dec 2021 | In | By Monika Srubarova

The EU REACH Regulation and the EU RoHS Directive are environmental legal acts that restrict substances that can damage human health or the environment.

Even though both of them are environmental legal acts, there are several differences. The REACH Regulation has binding legal force throughout every Member State, whereas the RoHS Directive must be implemented into national laws by every Member State. RoHS is also an area-specific law that is focused on electronic and electrical equipment (EEE), where other products being non-EEE might also be in scope, and restricts ten specific substances. In comparison to that, does REACH demand authorization, set limits on substance concentration and uses as well as prohibit a huge number of chemicals. However, substance concentrations are calculated differently for RoHS and REACH – homogeneous material level vs article level. There are plenty of other differences.

What these two environmental legal acts have in common is that your products need to comply with them before accessing the European market. Product compliance, and with that connected REACH and RoHS compliance, is not something that can be done once, but the proper internal setup with continuous and ongoing improvement is required. 1cc can support you to understand your individual obligations, assess your current REACH and RoHS compliance processes and help you to develop an individual roadmap and strategy for improvement based on the gaps identified.  

For more information please click here or contact us at contact@1cc-consulting.com 

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