1cc Blog


Jun 2024

Right to Repair Directive

On 27 , Jun 2024 | In | By Diana Lippert

The European Parliament has officially adopted the Right to Repair Directive. This directive will soon be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and will enter into force 20 days after its publication. Member states will then have 24 months to incorporate the directive into national law. The directive aims to make repairs more ...


Jun 2024

Flanders region: Online marketplaces must check EPR registrations

On 26 , Jun 2024 | In | By Ute Binder

Operators of online marketplaces are subject to further inspection obligations: in the future, they will have to check whether their online sellers who offer electrical and electronic products for sale in Belgium are registered to do so. This obligation already applies in Germany, France, and now also in Belgium. So far, however, the legal basis ...


Jun 2024

EU: New Measures Against Environmental Crime

On 20 , Jun 2024 | In | By Diana Lippert

Environmental crimes are an extremely lucrative sector of organized crime, ranking fourth in terms of activity. Every year, these crimes cause damage amounting to hundreds of billions of euros, according to European authorities. The existing regulations on sanctions under Directive 2008/99/EC have been insufficient in ensuring compliance with the ...

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