Blog 1cc

Packaging: Ban of Plastic Bags in Hungary

Written by Gisa Scheschonka | Oct 23, 2018 11:51:00 AM

Hungary is currently examining legislative means for banning the use of plastic shopping bags and has accordingly published a draft to that effect that calls for a complete ban of their use by January 1, 2020. Upon the completion of this measure, Hungary will have joined most of the other EU member states that are required to transpose EU Directive 2015/720 on reducing the consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags. The aim of the European Union Directive is to reduce the current, high consumption of plastic carrier bags and its resulting waste. The European Parliament and its Council make room for the means and ways of implementing the Directive on national levels, e.g. by completely banning plastic bags from supermarkets, or charging consumers with certain fees at points of sale. If you are interested in finding out more about the different national transpositions and respective requirements for producers throughout Europe, 1cc can help provide a comprehensive overview through customized consulting packages.